On 29 June 2023, 03:00-05:15 PM (CEST), the Banque de France and the CEPR European Economic Policy (EEP) Research and Policy Network (RPN) jointly organised a Workshop on the Reform of the EU Fiscal Governance



03:00 PM - Introduction

Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (Banque de France, PSE, Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne, CEPR & EEP RPN Associate Fellow) 

03:10-04:30 PM - Session 1

Fiscal rules, debt sustainability and inflation with Olivier Garnier (Banque de France & CEPR Trustee) & Xavier Debrun (National Bank of Belgium, European Fiscal Board & CEPR EEP RPN Member) 

04:30-05:15 PM - Session 2 

Fiscal rules, debt sustainability and climate transition with Jean Pisani-Ferry (Bruegel, Peterson Institute, Sciences Po, CEPR & EEP RPN Associate Fellow) & Jeromin Zettelmeyer (Bruegel, CEPR & EEP RPN Member) 

This Workshop was by invitation only and held under Chatham House rules. 

Introduction & Chair

Agnès Bénassy-Quéré

Deputy-Governor Banque De France; Distinguished Fellow Centre for Economic Policy Research; Professor (on Leave) Pantheon-Sorbonne University; Professor (on Leave) Paris School of Economics (PSE)

RPN Associate Fellow, European Economic Policy / Distinguished Fellow


Xavier Debrun

Advisor, Research Department National Bank Of Belgium

RPN Member, European Economic Policy

Jean Pisani-Ferry

Senior Fellow Bruegel; Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa chair, in Florence European University Institute; Senior Fellow Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)

RPN Associate Fellow, European Economic Policy