

We are pleased to announce the first edition of the Naples Trade and Development Workshop, that will be held in Naples (Italy), at University of Naples Parthenope on the 18th and 19th of November 2024. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers working on themes related to international trade and development economics to present their work. Topics include (but are not limited to) global value chains, firms' networks, trade in services, trade and environment. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.

The keynote lecture will be given by Dave Donaldson (MIT and CEPR).
The organizing committee is composed by Davide Del Prete (University of Naples Parthenope), Beata Javorcik (EBRD, Oxford University and CEPR), Andrea Ariu (University of Milan and CEPR), Jan Bakker (Bocconi University), and Mattea Stein (University of Naples Federico II and CSEF). The workshop is co-funded by the University of Naples Parthenope and the University of Naples Federico II.     

Participation in the workshop is free of charge, and all meals will be provided. 

Selected presenters should cover their own costs. There is limited funding available to those without research funds. Expenses will be reimbursed according to the CEPR travel guidelines

We welcome submissions from both senior and junior researchers (including PhD students). The deadline for submissions is 6PM (BST), 31st August 2024.

If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting, please email Bao Khanh LE - Events officer ([email protected]) for assistance (with subject header “Naples Trade and Development Workshop”).

Authors who already have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:

  1. Going to and logging in
  2. After you have logged in, go to 
  3. Click on "Step 1: Apply" OR if you have been pre-registered as you are connected to a relevant programme area click on "Change registration details"
  4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
  5. Tick the boxes that apply to you 
  6. Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information.
  7. Click "Submit form" to make the submission.

Authors who do not have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:

  1. Creating a new profile here
  2. After you have logged in, go to
  3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"
  4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
  5. Tick the boxes that apply to you 
  6. Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information.
  7. Click "Submit form" to make the submission.