Gianni Vaggi

Professor of Development Economics at University Of Pavia

Gianni Vaggi is Full Professor of Development Economics at the University of Pavia. He took his PhD in economics at the University of Cambridge in 1981. He has taught at the University of Padua (1976-1984), and was Visiting Scholar at St. John’s College Cambridge (1997). He is former Director of CICOPS (Centre for the Co-operation with Developing Countries) at the University of Pavia and since 1997 has been Director of the European School of Advanced Studies in Cooperation and Development. He currently teaches development economics at the universities of Bethlehem (Palestine), Cartagena (Colombia), Kenyatta (Nairobi), Midwestern (Kathmandu). Since 2005 he has coordinated six programs of international cooperation and research, two of them from the European Union. His main fields of research are development and international economics (sovereign debt, north-south economic integration, development finance) and the history of economic thought (formation of classical political economy, physiocracy and Adam Smith; the classical theory of development)