This Event is no longer receiving submissions.

Emerging markets have been out of the news for almost two decades. They fared better than advanced economies during the Great Financial Crisis and benefited from the increased global liquidity in its aftermath. This fortunate constellation of events seems to be coming to an end and there are worries about emerging markets again.

Economic Research Southern Africa and CEPR are organizing a research conference with the aim of fostering debate on emerging market economies’ policy options. What are the problems awaiting EMEs, which of these are new, what are the empirical and theoretical frameworks through which we can analyze these issues? The conference will be a venue to discuss the current research on emerging markets, as well as debating open questions in research and policy. 

Laura Alfaro (Harvard and CEPR) and Javier Bianchi (Minneapolis Fed.) will be the keynote speakers of the conference. Travel and accommodation expenses for academic speakers on the programme will be covered based on CEPR travel guidelines. The conference is sponsored by the South African Reserve Bank.

The submission deadline is 30 June 2022 (18:00 GMT). Authors of accepted papers will be notified by 15 July 2022.